Friendship and Spirituality
The desire to contribute to the greater good, to serve those in need, and to share one’s faith leads many to join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The founders of the Society had extraordinary wisdom in identifying three essential elements of Vincentian life - spirituality, friendship, and service. As Vincentians, we grow in our understanding of the importance of each and that these essential elements are intertwined in our journeys. The Vincentian mission states the Society is a network of friends inspired by gospel values. To grow in holiness and in service to the poor are central to Vincentian charism. As important is the nature of the relationship that binds the Vincentian family together. A deep bond is shared among those who serve those in need, who strive for the greater good, and who seek to grow in their love of God.
St Vincent de Paul spoke of friendship as the outward expression of charity. Friendship is the joy felt in the heart when you are with one you love. He believed real warmth toward one another was essential in community life. He taught that warmth, gentleness, and compassion were essential to members in the community for the community to thrive. For St Vincent, the love and friendship within the community must find effective action. Through St Vincent’s insight we come to understand that the love and compassion God had in sending his beloved son is emulated in our community, our conference, as we experience Vincentian friendship. And in sharing that Vincentian friendship we share a unity of mind and heart to go out to serve those in need with love and compassion. Fr. Jonathan Fruend on his Mindwalk webpage noted the genius of St. Vincent and St. Louise was that they invited and inspired people from all walks of life to carry on the mission of Jesus, evangelizer of the poor. And their genius was realizing it helps to be organized and do things as a family.
In our Conference in Superior, Wisconsin, members enjoy genuine friendships through which love and support are shared. We extend to one another care, respect, and appreciation. We acknowledge and share important moments in our lives in the spirit of a caring community. We pray together at every meeting and share our personal news. We have celebrations and social times to be together. There is something special about the friendship members of the Society share. Our members do not necessarily share life experiences, backgrounds, politics, or even beliefs, yet we are joined together to grow in our spirituality and serve others. The Society’s founders, drawing upon the teaching of St Vinent de Paul understood that service to those in need draws us into a closeness with each other and to God. That friendship allows us to be present to each other and to those we serve in genuine and loving ways.